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Aleman, Dominican Republic
September 15-20, 2024

Join us on our second medical mission trip to batey Aleman, Dominican Republic. With similar core values of serving forgotten communities in the name of Christ, Mission:318 and the Pujols Family Foundation have developed a culturally- sensitive, comprehensive care program for families enrolled in the ConGracia program in batey Aleman, located in the San Pedro de Marcoris region of the Dominican Republic. Serving over 1500 people, this true community outreach will provide medical care and screenings at the local church and in their homes.

Yendi, Ghana
January 24 - February 1st, 2025

Our signature surgical mission trip in Yendi, Ghana continues for the 11th year. Partnering with Yendi Municipal Hospital in Northern Ghana serving the community of over 250,000 people, this surgical mission trip. Over the course of four days in the hospital, this team will run two separate operating rooms and perform over 40 surgeries alongside our friends and colleagues who remain loyal to this forgotten community, including Dr. Ayuba Abdulai, Francis Kwaku Owusu, NP, and Reverend Emmanuel Mustapha.

Sefwi Bekwai, Ghana
January 24 - February 1st, 2025

We are thrilled to return to Sefwi Bekwai, Ghana to deliver medical care for the community of over 500,000 people. Sefwi-Bekwai is located in the Western Region of Ghana, a region with the highest prevalence of malaria in children under 5, with 27% of children testing positive for malaria. Working alongside the Ghana Health Service providers at our new Maternal and Child Clinic to provide medical care, screening, and deliver necessary medications to those in needs. This outreach is led by the Paramount Chief, Oyeadieyie Basape Kojo Armah III.

Cap Haitien, Haiti

Both a medical and surgical mission trip located near Cap Haitien, Haiti and the CHIDA Medical Clinic on the campus of IDADEE. This clinic serves over 1000 children and adults in a region that is often overlooked. Each year a team of dedicated Mission:318 doctors and nurses come alongside Dr. Wislyn Avenard to do well and critical care visits. This team will travel to Cap Haitien, Haiti when it is once again safe.

North St. Louis, Missouri
TBD Ongoing

Sign up for our free medical clinics and chronic disease screening clinic in North St. Louis. Occurring six times a year, Mission:318 will conduct screenings for hypertension, diabetes, and asthma twice each year, with information and recommendations for referrals and treatment to local physicians.